Leith Wine Warehouse

(Main contact for Internet & Accounts)
17 East Cromwell St, Edinburgh, EH6 6HD

tel: 0131 555 0222 

We are in 9-5.30pm Mon-Sat

(Alcohol  sales from 10am)

Pleasance Shop

61 Pleasance, Edinburgh, EH8 9TQ

tel: 0131 667 3327

Open Mon-Thurs 12-9pm

 Fri-Sat 12-10pm and Sun 1-8pm

Newington Shop

2 Dalkeith Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5BP

tel: 0131 667 2855

Open Mon-Thurs 11-9pm

Fri-Sat 11-10pm and  Sun 12-8pm


EXPERIENCE - Richard established Great Grog in April 1999. We have over 150 years of professional drinking, tasting and sober study between us. (35 for Richard (10 in Oddbins; set up Grog in 1999), 25 for Simon, 25 for Janice, 21 for Heather, 29 for John B, 27 for John P & at least 31 for Red (a life sentence commuted for good behaviour), Clare is a new start with only 7 years time served

Delivery normally 2 working days by APC courier...or oft quicker if via our own vans in Edinburgh

All wines are individually taste tested (before listing & then regularly after).... & then the samples taken home by us, just to make absolutely sure the wine at the bottom is the same as at the top.

Frequent Offers and Bargain Bin-Ends.

Most of our products are from small, individual, quality, family-owned producers. I would say "boutique" wineries, but that would imply expensive & we ain't that.

Constantly evolving, often exclusive wines (a range of 550+ wines in stock)

Cheap....oops...I mean...good value (Margins less than "markets" that alledge "super").

"Scruffy rather than Stuffy" Rose Murray Brown MW, in "The Scotsman" 2001. Surely she meant "friendly & knowledgeable staff & no suits"?

Regular Tastings, fairs & Events for you (& us too) to try our wares. We aren't frightened of opening bottles to show you how good our wines are (See EVENTS page). 

FREE DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER £99 to one mainland UK address. Delivery charge on orders below £99 is £17. Single bottles can be bought from our Shops in Dalkeith Road, Pleasance or Warehouse in Leith

The largest range of beer in Scotland (probably), a stocktaking nightmare = 500+ beers 500+ wines & loads of spirits/liquers)

WE like drinking our own wines so you probably will too (all things being equal) Winesearcher ***** rating

Cheers, Richard & the great grog gang!

"We've seen the new age of wine retailing... Great Grog is an Internet and telephone wine merchant, quietly situated in a warehouse in Edinburgh. By avoiding the High Street, they avoid High Street rents and can pass on these savings to their customers... Great Grog's well chosen list has some outstanding bargains."